Case Results

These results listed below were obtained for clients based upon extremely fact specific cases. These results are not intended to create any false or misleading conclusions. These results do not guarantee results in cases with similar facts, nor should this communication be relied upon to suggest that your potential claim will result in an outcome that is similar in nature.

You should not hire a lawyer based solely on the lawyer’s web site or self-proclaimed expertise. Nothing in this web site is intended to provide you with specific legal advice. If you have a specific legal problem, we urge you to promptly discuss the case with a qualified lawyer.

Please do not form any expectation about any legal problem that you might have from past settlements or verdicts. This web site has been designed for informational purposes and should not cause unjustified expectations about the results that you may achieve based upon your potential legal claim.

Contact Novak LLP to talk to one of our experienced Cleveland Medical Malpractice Attorneys, today.

A high seven-figure case of a man who had both legs amputated above the knee …

A seven-figure settlement for a man who suffered a brain injury as a result of …

A seven-figure settlement for a family of an infant who suffered brain injury from a …

A seven-figure settlement for a man whose arm was rendered useless after an accident at …

A seven-figure settlement for a man whose both arms were amputated after receiving burns from …

A verdict of $750,000.00 against a funeral home which commingled the cremated remains of a …

A mid-six figure settlement for insurance policy limits in a dog attack resulting in the …

A six-figure settlement for an eighty-four year old woman who was allegedly raped in a …

Successful settlements in the Vioxx litigation.

A seven-figure settlement for man who lost his arms when he touched a high power …

A six-figure settlement for the death of a 4-year old boy who died when he …

A six-figure settlement for an individual who was injured during laser surgery.

A six-figure settlement for injuries received during laparoscopic surgery.

A seven-figure settlement for an infant who received brain damage during labor and delivery.

A six-figure settlement for a 67 year-old woman who died as a result of improper …

A six-figure settlement for the wrongful death of a woman who was not receiving proper …

A six-figure settlement for a child who had a congenital condition which was not timely …

A six-figure settlement for a client who had a soft tissue lower back injury as …

A six-figure settlement for failure to diagnose prostate cancer.

A six-figure settlement involving a 63-year old disabled man who died as a result of …

A seven-figure settlement for an infant who was paralyzed as a result of labor delivery.

A seven-figure settlement for a man injured in an automobile accident.

A six-figure settlement for an infant who received brain damage during labor and delivery.