Cleveland Birth Injury Attorneys

What Is Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral PalsyCerebral palsy is a general term for a number of neurological (brain) disorders that appear very early in life. When children suffer from cerebral palsy, they might have poor muscle coordination or stiff muscles. They might also experience trouble walking, difficulty speaking, tremors and other developmental delays.

Causes Of Cerebral Palsy

Brain damage in children, such as cerebral palsy, can have many causes. Infections, severe jaundice and irregular brain development are only a few examples. However, cerebral palsy can also be caused by a doctor’s negligence before, during or after birth, including:

  • Failure to recognize, diagnose and treat an infection in the mother or child
  • Failure to recognize, diagnose and treat poor health in the mother, such as thyroid problems
  • Improper care after premature birth
  • Failure to perform a cesarean section (C-section)
  • Failure to monitor the child during labor and delivery
  • Failure to properly manage other birth complications

What Should I Do If My Child Has Cerebral Palsy?

If you believe your child’s condition may have been due to medical negligence, contact our legal team at Novak LLP to discuss your rights. With more than 75 years of experience, we are dedicated to helping victims receive the compensation they need so they can focus on what matters most: their family.

When you contact us, our lawyers will review your birth and other medical records with medical experts. If the evidence shows that your child’s cerebral palsy was caused by medical malpractice, we will seek maximum compensation for the injury, including for medical care, pain and suffering, and future rehabilitation expenses.

Our Cleveland birth injury attorneys can help take the financial burden off of your shoulders. We can also connect you with resources that will help you support your child with cerebral palsy.

Call our office in Cleveland, Ohio, at 216-781-8700 to get started with a free initial consultation. You won’t owe any attorney fees unless we’re successful.